Monday, March 30, 2009

Both Sides of the Fig Leaf

Nudism is pure. It's supposed to be. God made us nude. All of us who practice this lifestyle know this. Most orthodox nudists agree that it's all "non-sexual."

But what happens when you go to sites like True Nudists or Skinbook and you have people (mostly male) doing centerfold poses for their pictures? I'm being honest, folks. Some of these folks show their stuff directly for the camera or make it the centerpiece of their photos. Do you get what I am saying here?

The sight of a penis doesn't bug me, but a portrait of one does. This makes me think, folks. A person becomes a nudist, brushes some unneeded shame off their shoulders, and then looks at their stuff and thinks, "Well, I guess it's ok that the world sees you now. Say 'cheese!'" And so a bunch of genital-centered photos are taken. Some of these people say they are Christians, which in all honesty, I can't say they are not.

After thinking this out, I realized that although they are nudists, they still have a fig leaf mindset. It maybe even rebellious in motive (perhaps unconscious). What was once hidden by shame (or whatever you choose to label it as) is now unveiled, but more than that, it's on Broadway. Godly nakedness is still then misunderstood.

In my opinion, I think they have missed the mark. Do you know what I mean?